Congratulations to…

The Carolina Review is excited to announce the winner of the first ever Arielle Reid Award. This annual award was created in 2009 to honor “a member of the Carolina community who, against his or her own best intentions, accidentally provides a boon for the Carolina Review.” The award is named after Ms. Reid in honor of her Letter-to-the-Editor of the Daily Tar Heel (DTH letter to the editor “Carolina Review’s February issue is offensive garbage,” March 16), which set off a whirlwind of controversy, prompted a set of rebuttals, rebuttals to those rebuttals, and rebuttals to the rebuttals to those rebuttals, and surely increased our readership and presence on campus.

There were many competitive nominees, such as Caroline Johnson, who wrote her own letter to the DTH (DTH letter to the editor “Carolina review jibe not funny, insulting,” April 13) which, though less controversial than Ms. Reid’s letter, provided the CR staff with endless entertainment. But, in the end, we just could not deny the weight of Ms. Reid’s accomplishments. That’s right- Arielle Reid has won the Arielle Reid Award.

We would also like to take this chance to thank the editorial board of the DTH for printing these letters and to encourage the entire Carolina community to enter the running for this coveted prize for 2009-2010. Next year might be your turn to burn the CR editorial staff in effigy or try to get the Review banned as hate speech and win this distinguished honor.

2 thoughts on “Congratulations to…

  1. cwjones Reply

    Come on, you gotta give the entire YWC organization some honorable mention as well. They made all the liberals on campus love the Carolina Review – now that takes some doing.

  2. bweynand Reply

    Ah, reading back through the comments on the DTH page brings back fond memories… Let us not forget that lack of substance and blatant hypocrisy may strengthen your candidacy.

    One commenter said it best, asking her: “Why are you so spectacularly incapable of making an argument without engaging in personal attacks?”

    Yet she perceives a point with which she disagrees as a personal attack on herself.

    Truly deserving, congratulations.

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